Thursday, 12 April 2018

Kick-starting your literature review

30 May 2 – 5 p.m.

This three-hour session aims to help you leverage some simple software tools to kick-start your literature review.

The course will start with an review of library and literature searching techniques including creating appropriate search strategies and using appropriate databases.

We will explore the use of Firefox with Zotero for building a database of literature – the bibliographic database – and some Zotero plugins that will give us useful added functionality.

We will learn how to annotate PDFs from Zotero and how to extract and report on annotations to produce rich reports of the literature.

This is a bring your own device session and if you bring a laptop with an up-to-date installation of Firefox you will be able to install the software to be used and practise the techniques described.

There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Book a place from April 16 (student)

Book a place from April 16 (staff)

from Digital Education team blog


Digital Skills Development courses for the summer term

ISD Digital Skills Development release new dates for this term on April 16th. Courses and workshops cover Unix, Excel, Photoshop, R, Stata, SPSS and more. We are also running Word courses to help you write up your dissertation or thesis.

Most courses take place in computer workrooms so there is no need to bring your own device.  However, you should bring your own (fully charged!) laptop for Kick-starting your literature review and all R sessions.

If you can’t attend any of the dates or there is no date available for the course you want, enrol on our Moodle course to be notified of future sessions.

For a full list of all courses and workshops visit the student course catalogue or the staff course catalogue.  Visit the student booking system or staff booking system to book.

The Digital Skills Training at IOE programme offers training in a wide range of apps including: blogging, mind mapping, infographics, screencasting, live polling, Microsoft Sway, SharePoint, Office 2013 applications, Endnote and more. Bookings are open to all UCL staff and students.  Visit IT for IOE IT Course Bookings for the full schedule and to book.  The IT for IOE training updates newsletter is now available in Microsoft Sway format.

Don’t forget, we have a vast range of high-quality video-based courses available at These cover technical skills but also business, personal and creative skills as well.  Visit the UCL page to find out more.

Not sure what you need or have a more specific issue you would like help with?  Come along to one of the Digital Skills Development drop ins if you want more individual support.

from Digital Education team blog


Triple Jump Runway

Industry professionals should do long jump development work, simply because they will have additional knowledge and experience. To develop ...